
Bears Poop! (In the woods)

Is this a song about how animals poop - or is it a song about washing hands? The big thing about washing hands, is using soap and taking your time with it. After all- the germs can't cope, when you use the soap! This song makes me giggle every time I hear it. I [...]

By |2023-07-25T12:59:07+12:00July 25th, 2023|Creative, humour, Learning, parenting, songs, Videos|Comments Off on Bears Poop! (In the woods)

Mr Triceratops – your mum must love you lots!

Do you love dinosaurs? They are really interesting to learn about. Lots of kids I know just love dinosaurs and I started writing this song when I was walking one of my nephews when he was a toddler in a stroller! I started singing the first verse, and this song was actually the inspiration [...]

By |2023-07-24T16:03:36+12:00February 9th, 2021|Creative, humour, parenting, songs|Comments Off on Mr Triceratops – your mum must love you lots!

Why I love “I’m not a Robot”

Not only was “I’m not a Robot” the first song where the amazing Zed Brookes was able to bring his collaboration to layer the sounds, humour and beats for magnificence - well I just love the message of this song. I don’t know about you, but I can sometimes be a bit hard on [...]

By |2020-01-14T18:46:19+13:00January 14th, 2020|Creative, humour, parentng, songs, wellbeing|Comments Off on Why I love “I’m not a Robot”

There’s a new song on the Zoons block

The song "I'm not a robot" combines playful beats and sounds with an important message about perfectionism, making mistakes, and "keeping on, keeping on". Check it out on Spotify, Itunes, or Apple Music today! What do you think of it?

By |2019-12-31T10:50:46+13:00December 31st, 2019|Creative, humour, parentng, songs, wellbeing|Comments Off on There’s a new song on the Zoons block

Zoons relaunches!

Just in time for Christmas! Zoons is about to relaunch - now focussing on playful children songs.  First released in the new format will be the remastered “Santa Don’t forget your sunscreen” and the catchy “I’m not a robot.” “I’ve always written songs and I’m very in touch with my inner four, six and [...]

By |2020-01-14T14:17:33+13:00November 25th, 2019|Creative, humour, songs|Comments Off on Zoons relaunches!
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