
Kanikani – Action song in Te Reo Maori

A short action song in Te Reo Maaori. Use this song with preschool or primary aged children to learn the vocab of raro, runga, mua and muri. The song can be performed with actions - and I will post another video at some point that shows you just what these are. When I [...]

By |2018-01-04T20:26:02+13:00October 14th, 2016|Videos|Comments Off on Kanikani – Action song in Te Reo Maori

Zoons has launched!

We're super excited that Zoons has launched! We'll be starting quietly and slowly, with new content appearing every Friday, and with a playful twist to everything we do. Calbert the cat has lots more jokes for you all, and there are songs stories and poems on their way. Please subscribe to the youtube channel, and [...]

By |2017-01-20T17:27:09+13:00September 14th, 2016|Videos|Comments Off on Zoons has launched!
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